Beauty and mathematics

The Universal Golden proportion of beauty


beautiful face 3

What is beauty and who decides? Beauty is universal and has been defined from the times of Nephrititi. It has not changed and is still universally sought out. It boils down to mathematics with symmetrical geometry and the ratio phi. Phi is the universal ratio of 1: 1.168. If you fit into the angles of golden proportion you are seen as beautiful.




Beauty and mathematics

The development of phi 1:1.1618 ratio expresses the divine proportion throughout nature and is seen in architecture, art and in the face and body.

The Greeks defined beauty in the harmonious proportions of the face which they divided into thirds and into a series of triangles. The anterior part of the face is divided into 3 equal parts from the forehead to the eyes, to the upper lip and to the chin. The face is also divided laterally into equal components.


The phi ratio has been developed into a golden mask of proportions which many beautiful people throughout the ages match. Software has even been developed to enhance facial processing thus aiding the creation of a more attractive image which will enable surgeons to enhance patients results.

golden mask 2


Beauty and evolution

Beauty has an evolutionary role to play. To ensure survival of the fittest, beautiful faces are associated with health, vitality and fertility of that person. There is an expectation that that person carries good genes for reproduction.*

The 3 main reproductive signs that make a face attractive are:



Sexual dimorphism

1) Symmetry

It has been shown in studies that general symmetry is seen as attractive. This is a evolutionary adjustment. More symmetrical males have more sexual partners whilst women are attracted to males who are symmetrical during their peak fertility periods.




Studies have shown that people favour an average face as they veer away from too different defining it as not the norm. A study showed that the common criminal was much better looking than your average man. Science says that average faces are easier to recognize and easier to acknowledge.

average faces


3)Sexual dimorphism: signifies the differences between the 2 sexes.

Female signs of femininity are: evenly toned skin, full lips, narrow eyebrows, high cheekbones which especially expresses youthfulness and a head full of hair.

Male characteristics include a tanned even toned skin, prominent ridges above the eye brows, square jaws, square chin, flatter eyebrows and slightly narrower eyes and a thinner upper lip.

It is important for practitioners to recognize the above universal proportions and principles for optimal achievement of a natural look and patient satisfaction to be guaranteed and this must be related to gender.


3 areas need to be focused on when treating for universal beauty but still tailoring your treatment for the specific patient

The female lip


Enhancing female cheek bones

And in males augmenting the male jaw line and chin.


Enhancement of the cheek bones is in my experience over the last 8 years such an overlooked area of treatment. Most ladies just want the nasolablial lines around the mouth treated. We forget as we age that a sunken cheek area can take 5 years off your age. By enhancing your cheek bones it increases your beauty and femininity according to the phi proportions. It gives more volume to the cheek area giving the illusion of a face lift.


The lips in females are another overlooked area, but subtlety here is key. The filler I use from restylane is a very light one giving a refreshed, moisturised, rejuvenated look. It only lasts for 6 m- 9 months as we use our lips continuously by talking and the filler removes itself quicker from areas of active muscle movement.

The key proportions of phi play a huge role here with the upper lip to lower lip ratio being 1:1.1618. This means that our upper lip is smaller than the lower lip and we must add volume to the lower lip to achieve a natural looking lip while rather contouring the deficiencies in the top lip such as the cupids bow and the outline of the lip. Otherwise it looks lopsisded. Lookout for many actresses who have got this wrong by overfilling the top lip. No wonder patients are scared to try fill their lips!!




How many treatments are needed ?

Generally between 6 – 8 treatments are required. Don’t expect an immediate result. Approximately 10 – 25% reduction in hair growth can be seen after the first treatment. This is due to the different stages of hair growth and how much energy the hair follicle has received. Hair that grows back will be thinner and generally lighter. It is very important to avoid the sun after treatment as hyperpigmentation can occur and skin is extremely sensitive after treatment and can get burnt. When it is safe to go in the sun ensure that you are well protected with at least a sunblock of 50, applied minimum of twice a day.


Hair growth stages:

There are 3 different stages in the life of a hair.

1)      The growth phase – Anagen

2)      The resting phase – Catagen

3)      The falling out phase – Telogen

Only hair in the Anagen (growing phase) are affected by the laser as the hair is in the follicle and the follicle is closest to the skin during this phase. Thus the laser can target the pigmented hair, reach the follicle, heating it up and destroying it. This is why several appointments are required.


hair growth phases

Avoid the following 4 to 6 weeks prior to treatment:

  • Waxing
  • Hair removal creams
  • Tweezing
  • Bleaching
  • Sun tanning /tanning beds/tanning creams



Laser Hair removal

As I have a new DIODE laser hair removal system, I’ll spend a little time talking about this. Us girls and some guys all know the irritation or aggrevation of having to shave, wax or pluck on a regular basis and the in grown hairs thar some of us experience. Just as you’ve had your session of waxing and weeks fly by before your next appointment. Not to mention that you can’t reveal your prickly self while it’s growing out is another great reason to look into laser hair removal.

There is a big difference between laser and IPL. Laser is a beam of light of one wavelength only that is directed in one direction only and thus directly targets the hair follicle, whereas IPL systems have multidirectional beams of different wavelengths and may not target the hair follicle directly.

Diode laser -

How it works

Laser works by targeting the pigment in your hair and uses the hair to guide it to the follicle. The pigment in a hair follicle absorbs the light of the laser, becomes overheated and is destroyed. A long laser pulse is needed as there is a slight deflection from the actual hair to the follicle. It is very important to go to someone with the correct equipment for successful permanent hair removal results. To make an appointment contact me on 011 616 4040.

Laser works best on a lighter skin with dark hair; however newer technologies are available that allow treatment on dark skins and people with blonde or grey hair.


Don’ts of laser hair removal:

We do not advise to have laser if you are pregnant. If you’ve waxed or plucked it’s advisable to wait for 6 weeks to allow your hair follicles to recover to enable the laser to target them. You can shave as this doesn’t affect the hair follicle. Moles must be avoided as the laser can change their colouring which may lead a doctor to miss the signs of a cancerous growth. xx

What to expect:

New technology has helped to make this treatment less painful. There are machines that advertise that they are painless. This newer technology is still in development and in my experience has not yielded good results. My machine has a built in cooler. If you are a bit anxious about the treatment a topical anaesthetic such as EMLA can be placed on the area an hour prior to your appointment and this really makes it pain free.

The procedure may take a while if a large area such as legs or chest is being treated; otherwise it is quite a quick and relatively painless experience.

Common side effects include swelling, discomfort and redness that may last 1 – 3 days. Areas of darker or lighter patches of skin may appear which are usually transient. As with any treatment very rare side effects may occur, these include: blistering, burning of the skin, bacterial infections or herpes simplex out breaks. If you are having the upper lip treated and suffer from cold sores an antiviral must be taken one day prior to treatment and must be continued for 4 days thereafter.

Any area of the body can be except for the eye brow as the close proximity of the eyebrow to the retina may damage the retina. Skin that is thinner responds better to laser treatment such as your underarms as opposed to your chin. Hormonal hair growth also is more difficult to remove permanently and may require more sessions. Fortunately this is generally on the face and is not too expensive to treat.

beautifu legs 3beautifu legs 3


Liquid Facelift -Part 2

The eye area


The eye area is a main personality feature of a person so we don’t want to freeze all emotion here. Treatment must be subtle enhancing the natural beauty and also remaining with what is age appropriate. The skin around the eye is thin and prone to ageing due to loss of elasticity, bone and collagen in this area. Fine wrinkles and pigmentation appear. Thin skin under the eye appears darker as the muscles and veins around the area are more visible.

Fine wrinkles are treated using botox for the crow’s feet to open up the eye and soften wrinkles and a very fine dermal filler to fill and soften the wrinkles. The deep hollow under the eye called the tear trough area is filled to plump the area stopping that hallowed look as the area is not sunken and dark as it is rejuvenated making a person look less tired and old.

The tear trough


The eyebrow and temporal region are also treated with dermal filler to lift the eyebrow and to fill the hollow in the temporal region that ages us.

I use a fine dermal filler and also use a micro- cannula to prevent bruising. A micro-cannula is like a long thin blunt needle. As it is blunt it doesn’t cut through the blood vessels, keeping them intact and thus not bleeding out giving you a bruise.  A sound horrific but it really isn’t. (I’ve treated myself and many patients using this technique.) It may be slightly uncomfortable; luckily the under eye area is easy to anaesthetise using local anaesthetic so you don’t have to feel any discomfort whatsoever.

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Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers

Dermal fillers (hyaluronic acid) are hygroscopic meaning they attract water. Once injected into your collagen cells they attract water to fill up and thereby plump your collagen cell. Dermal fillers also stretch the microscopic fibroblsts which are the precursor to collagen cells and thus collagen is then produced. Very clever little things – hyaluronic acid cells !! Remember to like my page

hyaluronic acid compoundhyaluronic acid gel


The mid face area is a very much overlooked area where a subtle cheek bone lift will take approximately 5 years off one’s look, yet being so subtle that people will not know quite what you’ve done. This is the most overlooked treatment area. When a patient looks in the mirror they generally see the nasolabial lines around the mouth. These are however caused by loss of fat from the cheek bone and eye area. The fat descends and literally falls over a natural ligament around the mouth (the naso labial lines). There is also loss of bone from the cheek and eye area as it degenerates as we age. Hence when we look in the mirror, this is what we see – deep lines around the mouth.


The ageing face

The ageing face

Mid face ageing is a dead give-away as to a person’s age – yet is the most under treated area in South Africa. In Europe and the states, this is fast growing to be one of the most popular dermal filler treatments. The muscles keeping the fat pads in place become thin and stretch with age also contributing to the descent of our cheek fat pads.

The technique used for mid face and tear trough dermal filler is quite an advanced technique and you should seek out an experienced practitioner. For mid face, a special measuring technique is employed so I know exactly where the filler needs to be inserted. Remember to like my page: Dr Stasi botha

A very thick volumous filler is used as this area and generally takes 1 ml of filler minimum per side. It is more costly than your general fillers; however I keep the price as low as possible. The filler generally lasts one year to 18 months depending on the individual. I usually advise having retreatment at one year so you don’t lose all the effects of the filler.


The lower face is generally also a dead give-away of age as with botox the upper third of the face can look 10 years younger than the lower third. A neat trick: treating the mid – third takes the eye’s focus to the mid face; away from the lower third giving the illusion of a much younger face.

So besides the obvious face lift what can we do.

Quite a bit

Nasolablai Lines

Marionette lines

Vital – fine filler made up of small micro particles that can draw water 10 x it’s own weight into the collagen cells, making wrinkles smoother softer and less evident.

Fill the lips

Straighten the jaw line


This in conjunction with Restylane Vital which plumps those very fine lines it really rejuvenates the entire mouth area.

All is not lost

And remember…. A face lift cannot give you the volume that filler’s can give you; neither can a filler lift the way surgery can, but in conjunction the two go hand in hand. It’s a personal choice at the end of the day.



Need a little lift? This month we’ll be discussing : “The liquid facelift” – a mini make-over with botox and dermal fillers


Firstly for that just had a holiday relaxed refreshed look I inject botox into the frown, forehead, crow’s feet and also into the bunny lines on the nose  to relax the muscles and hence soften the lines. For those that have just joined us: botox or Botulinum Toxin A is a protein and neuorotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. These bacteria release a neurotoxin protein which causes paralysis of the muscles which allows the muscles to relax which gives the appearance that wrinkles have softened or disappeared.

botox 4

Botox is such a superb anti-ageing and wrinkle treatment. It is extremely preventative as it stops muscle movement so the muscles can’t cause those little crinkle wrinkle lines – especially the worry one’s. Even if you only have it twice a year you will still see the anti-ageing effects. Don’t forget to “Like” my page please and share too if you find anything interesting! @ Dr Stasi Botha


For a natural aesthetic result, fillers are incorporated into areas that have lost fat, muscle and general elasticity of tissue. Fillers can fill in wrinkles but they are especially fabulous for areas where volume loss has occurred. They can literally be placed anywhere i.e. around the eye, the cheek bone area, around the mouth and even along the jaw line.

The liquid face-lift is a costly procedure so I generally advocate that treatments be spaced a few months apart so treatment is then affordable, less down time is required as bruising may occur and also so that you don’t have that “just done look”

placement of fillers

Firstly for that just had a holiday relaxed refreshed look I inject botox into the frown, forehead, crow’s feet and also into the bunny lines to relax the muscles and hence softening the lines. For those that have just joined us botox or Botulinum Toxin A a protein and neuorotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. These bacteria release a neurotoxin protein which causes paralysis of the muscles which allows the muscles to relax which gives the appearance that wrinkles have softened or disappeared.

twin picture 2

The liquid facelift

2014 Welcome back. Its 2014. Hope you all had a wonderful festive season and fabulous New Year’s celebrations. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your loyal support during 2013 and here’s wishing you the most blessed and prosperous 2014 . After all that celebrating you may feel like you need a lift, so this month we’ll be discussing : “The liquid facelift” – a mini make-over with botox and dermal fillers

Acne Scars

This month we’ll be discussing scars. A difficult but treatable condition. People with acne or trauma scars may be very self conscious, shy or suffer from a low self-esteem. Acne scarring in particular has devastating psychological effects on teenagers especially
Treating a scar takes a very long time to treat but the rewards are worth the effort. Unfortunately it is very difficult to totally eradicate them; however they can be made to be much less visible to the naked eye.
Inflamed acne must be treated as soon as possible otherwise scar damage may be severe and difficult to treat. The old adage always applies that prevention is better than cure. A dermatologist should be sought out at this stage and treatment started without delay. If this is not possible, a visit to your local gp will help with prescription antibiotics until the dermatologist can be seen.
A good skin care regimen aimed particularly to acne prone oily skins is recommended to be incorporated into your daily regimen. Examples of such products are excuvience/neostrata, cetaphil, eucerin and most of the big cosmetic houses carry a range for acne prone skin.

How does a scar form?
The wound healing process goes through 3 stages:

1) Inflammation
2) Granulation/scar formation
3) Matrix remodelling – where the outer surface of the skin is broken down, into the outer surface of the scar. The skin has a decrease in elasticity which is why the scar is tight. There is also a decrease in blood flow hence the white colour of a scar towards the end of the healing period.
Some acne patients are predisposed to scar formation due to a stronger inflammatory reaction at the gland that produces the acne, while other patients may never develop a scar at all. It has also been shown that the inflammatory process is slower in those that don’t develop scars. It is so important for early intervention to be implemented and treatment initiated to stop the inflammatory process.
Scars can be pitted and shallow or stick out like a keloid scar.
Pitted scars are classified into:

1) Ice pick – majority of patients, looks like a tooth pick piercing hole.
2) Box car – 20 -30% of acne scars. Occurs on temple area as an oval angular depression and is muh wider than an ice pick scar
3) Rolling scars – uncommon – seen as a shallow depression with change of light

Hypertrophic or raised scars:Typically pink, raised and firm and is thick with collagen and are within the border of the original injury.

Keloid scarring: very large and extend beyond the border of the original wound. These scars are unfortunately more common in darker skins.

Treatment is a multi approach embodying various methods.
Firstly : Prevention , prevention prevention.
At this stage usually ruaccutane, antibiotics and topical retinoids are used to prevent scarring. Use of silicone gel has proven effective for prevention of scars, especially hypertrophic or keloid.
Treatment options include:
• Chemical peels
• Dermabrasion
• Microneedling
• Dermal fillers
• Laser treatment – ablative and non-ablative
• Surgery
• Dermal grafting
Combination treatments are generally used. In my practice I use a very effective combination of chemical peels, microneedling, subcision and dermal fillers especially with ice pick scars with very effective results. Treatment can take from 6 to 10 appointments for scarring but usually after the third appointment patients start to see visible results and leave the rooms feeling more confident and satisfied with their skins. Call my rooms for a free consultation 011 616 4040
Chemical peels:
1)Glycolic acid: for mild acne scars. Approximtely 6 treatments every 2 weeks increasing from 20 – 70%
2) Salicylic acid: best for Indian and African skins. Excellent for blemishes and macular scarring. 5-6 treatments very 3 – 4 weeks
3) Tca: medium depth peel, 6 treatments 4 weeks apartand can only be used in lighter skin types


Subcision for acne scar treatment:
This involves using a needle or cannula to break the fibrous bands that holds down the scar to the deeper layers of the tissue so the scar literally pops up. We use this technique with wrinkles too!! We break the band that holds down the wrinkle so it is released thus giving it a soft appearance.The depression is lifted and normal collagen is formed from underneath.
This needs to be repeated until the scar has relevelled. Once this occurs resurfacing treatments such as microneedling/ lasers can be used to improve skin texture.

Very useful for depressed scars. They attract water into the collagen cells and raise the skin of the scar to the surface and give a smoother look. My preference is to use hyaluronic acid fillers. The procedure needs to be repeated yearly


microneedling depths

A handheld handpiece that vibrates with needles which make puncture wounds. This stimulates the healing process that finally results in new collagen production. This is a superb treatment for scarring and anti-ageing as thickening of skin and a dramatic increase in new collagen and elastin fibres are seen. This procedure actually produces new fibroblasts which are the small cells that produce collagen. Remarkable – a treatment that uses your own body to produce new skin… Like? The full effects are seen at 3 months due to deposit of new collagen.

Microneedling creates a natural response to wound healing and making of new skin. A microscopic injury is created to initiate the wound healing cascade. The skin becomes tighter, firmer and smoother with natural colour formation. As a very narrow channel is created approximately 4 cell width thick a closed wound is produced and not a scar.

For very severe scarring, laser CO2 abaltion is required. This is an expensive procedure and may require more than one treatment. Be careful when choosing your laser clinic carefully to ensure that they are reputable.
Hope you enjoyed this month’s topic. xx




Welcome to October, the summer has begun and we are all thinking about the holidays and getting our bodies bikini-ready right?! And that means some of us thinking about our cellulite. If you want to know more about cellulite, how to avoid it and how to treat it, this newsletter is for you!

Call the rooms now on 011 616 4040 to book an appointment and don’t forget to “like” my Facebook page to stay up to date with all the treatments and procedures I offer at my Bedfordview practice!


The simple fact of the matter is that cellulite is harmless. Cellulite is normal fat and it appears dimpled because the fat cells are pushed against the skins fibrous connective tissue.

Thin people have cellulite. Celebrities have cellulite. If you are overweight, losing weight might reduce visible cellulite but to eradicate it you will need specific treatment.

Many professionals agree that cellulite treatment is particularly difficult.
The key to treatment of cellulite is to break up the fibrous bands in the skin causing the lumpy bumpy skin appearance and also destroying the fat cells.


At my practice I prefer to use a Mesotherapy technique specifically designed to treat both elements.

Mesotherapy for Cellulite
Mesotherapy is a tried and tested skin rejuvenation technique administered via numerous injections containing various types of medicines, vitamins, and minerals.

It is important to work with a trained injector, as this will make the treatment process far more comfortable.


The key ingredients in my Mesotherapy cellulite solution are:

  • PPC
  • L-Carnitine
  • Organic silica

These ingredients are key to the breakdown of fat, and fibrous tissue.

Organic Silica
This ingredient hydrates, renews and regenerates cells.

Organic Silica Drainage & Regeneration Solution smooth’s, tones and lifts the skin, slowing down the ageing process. It restores strength, flexibility and elasticity to the collagen and elastin.

This means more supple skin and less visible cellulite.

L-Carnitine is responsible for metabolizing fat. After breaking down the stored fat, it triggers the fatty acids to leave via the bloodstream, and converting this fat to energy. L-Carnitine Fat Carrier Solution is essential for optimal fat burning.

Phosphatidylcholine (PPC)
PPC is naturally abundant in cell membranes, this phospholipid, breaks down the fat stored in fat cells.

PPC Lipolytic Solution emulsifies the fat, allowing it to be absorbed into the bloodstream and transported. This makes it the ideal solution for eliminating unattractive, localized adiposities

A single treatment can treat these key areas.

Want to know how to avoid Cellulite in the future?
Here are contributing factors to cellulite development.

  • Poor diet
  • Crash diets
  • No exercise
  • Dehydration
  • Total body fat

On average your cellulite treatment schedule will include approximately 6 treatments. Each treatment session lasts roughly 30 minutes, so you can nip in and out in your lunch hour.


→Did you know you benefit from visiting Dr Stasi Botha for a Mesotherapy cellulite treatment in more ways than one? Mesotherapy is also incredibly effective at treating:

  • Stretch marks
  • Skin rejuvenatiom

→There are different kinds of cellulite!

  • Adipose cellulite is the firm cellulite – orange peel effect on loose skin
  • Oedematous cellulite is fluid retention – soft cellulite often on loose skin
  • Fibrotic cellulite is hard – compact cellulite with orange peel effect

Each type of cellulite will require a slightly different treatment approach with a different mix of solutions.

→Cellulite tip
Cellulite is more visible on lighter skin than on darker skin. So if you are heading out in your bikini, apply a little fake tan and make the cellulite less noticeable.

→There are some factors for causing cellulite that are out of your control. This simply means that repeat or additional treatments may be necessary to keep your skin dimple free.

  • Genetics – you may be genetically predisposed
  • Hormones – hormone levels have been proven to influence cellulite
  • Slow metabolism – this can be changed with correct eating

→The most common cellulite treatment areas at my practice are those with poor blood supply:

  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Thighs

Make sure to ask Dr Stasi about cellulite even if you are considering another treatment. Mesotherapy is a perfect confidence boosting treatment and many patients combine their Botox and Dermal fillers in the same treatment session.

I hope you loved this newsletter about cellulite and the latest techniques in combatting this common skin problem.

Remember to visit my Facebook page and to share my daily facts with those around you!





This month on my newsletter I want to talk about all the treatments and the procedures that will make you look even more amazing and ready for summer! I will talk about teeth whitening, dermal fillers, Botox and microneedling.

I have spoken about these topics before on my Facebook page and my blog but I thought that since the warmer months are here and we all want to undergo a little bit of a makeover, why not do a recap for you to know what options are available to your to look your best!?

I hope you enjoy this newsletter and as always, remember that my Facebook and Google + pages are very resourceful when it comes to the treatments and procedures I offer so make sure to pay them a visit and share the info with those around you!

Lastly, if you want to know more about all the treatments I offer or if you wish to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to phone (011) 616 4040 or 072 712 3994!



One of the first things that people notice in a person when they meet you for the first time is your smile. First impressions last so maybe you should ask yourself if your yellow teeth make you self-conscious.

While the latest laser technology is relatively inexpensive, the professional whitening gel procedure is the most cost effective option and does not damage your teeth.

In order to extend the longevity of newly whitened teeth, I highly recommend that you follow the instructions below.

  • At-home follow-up or maintenance whitening – implemented immediately or performed as infrequently as twice / three- / four times a year, depending on your habits
  • Avoiding dark-coloured foods and beverages for at least 2 days after whitening.
  • Whenever possible, sipping dark-coloured beverages with a straw.
  • Practicing excellent oral hygiene – brushing and flossing after meals and at bedtime.
  • Using a whitening toothpaste

The procedure takes a total of 2 hours and includes:

  • A general assessment of the teeth, viability of whitening and pointing out any problematic areas.
  • A professional cleaning of the teeth done by a dental professional
  • Preparation of the teeth, enclosing of all the soft tissue and possible sensitive / problematic areas on the teeth
  • 4 sessions of 15 minutes each – exposure under the laser!
  • Post whitening instructions
  • An at home post whitening maintenance kit, to maintain your white teeth



Now I want to talk about the use of dermal fillers at my practice. They make for very effective, safe and reliable treatments with long-term results and a very high patient satisfaction rate.

With dermal fillers I can:

    • Smooth away facial lines and wrinkles
    • Create fuller lips
    • Shape facial contours, such as cheeks and chin
    • In more recent times I use dermal fillers to revitalize the skin

The most common treatment areas for dermal fillers:

  • Nose to mouth lines (the nasolabial folds)
  • Between the eyebrows (the glabella lines)
  • Lips (adding volume and shape)
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Skin rejuvenation

Dermal filler skin rejuvenation treatments are effective in reversing the damage caused by photo-aging particularly in those difficult to treat areas that ‘give away’ your age, such as:

    •  Neck
    • Décolletage
    • Backs of your hands.

And of course everyone wants to have young and beautiful looking skin all year long but especially in summer, when you show more skin than usual, it can be a really great asset!

Lip fillers will usually last 6-9 months while nose and mouth areas are expected to last 9-12 months. The dermal filler is gradually broken down and absorbed by the body. If no further top-up treatments are done the wrinkles and lines will return to their previous appearance.


Now I would like to talk about Botulinum toxin, which, I am sure, you have heard of before? Maybe you’ve already had Botulinum Toxin (Botox®, Dysport) before or know someone who has?

With this product, I can:

  • Soften wrinkles
  • Reshape eyebrows
  • Reshape lips
  • Treat excessive sweating
  • Reshape the nose

The most common area of treatment is frown lines of the forehead. But Botulinum toxin may also be used to treat numerous areas including:

    • Smokers lines
    • Crow’s feet
    • Nasal reshaping
    • Excessive sweating
    • Migraines

The list is continually growing and I will continue to study new techniques and applications to keep you at the forefront of modern aesthetic medicine.
If you could wish for an aesthetic treatment where and what would it be?

Although the results are easily visible, a Botulinum toxin treatment will not radically change your appearance or make you look as if you “had work done.” The muscle activity that causes wrinkles is simply reduced.

There is no recovery period and no down-time after a Botulinum toxin treatment. You can go directly back to your normal activities, which is so convenient for you to squeeze an appointment in your busy schedule!

The Botulinum toxin will wear off in an estimated four months, and returning patients can be in and out within minutes. Great news to maintain the younger looking you.


Have you ever heard of skin needling? It is a great rejuvenating procedure that I offer at my Bedfordview practice. I will tell you what it is, who it is for and how it can transform your skin.

You can also book a skin needling treatment with me at Bedfordview. This treatment combines well with Chemical Peels too for ultimate skin rejuvenation.

Microneedling, also known as Facial Mesotherapy and Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) involves using a digital hand-piece infused with multiple, fine-pointed needles on the skin’s surface to stimulate its own regenerative properties and rejuvenate it.

Some techniques also involve handheld needling, but as technology develops so too does technique. At my practice I utilise the latest Vee Way needling technology.

Mesotherapy can be defined as a series of micro-injections of a cocktail of vitamins, serums, medication or amino acids into the middle dermal layer of the skin. Its purpose is to heal and reverse skin ageing and damage.

When small amounts of serums are injected into the skin, via needling techniques, the blood flow automatically increases to the treated area. This increases nutrition and oxygen to the site. This also improves lymphatic drainage and removes toxins in the skin.

NOTE: This technique can also be effective when treating cellulite.

During the Microneedling session, I use a sterile needle grouping and mechanically stimulate the epidermis and the top layer of the dermis. This, in turns, tells your brain to send collagen to the injured site in order to repair it.  This signal creates an abundance of collagen, which will plump up the injured area.

What is left after a needling session? Softer, yet tighter skin.
Your wrinkles, acne scars and other depressed areas will be a lot less noticeable. As an added benefit to skin needling the efficiency of serums and moisturizers is increased as they can now penetrate deeper.

The most exciting element to skin needling is that your skin’s production of new collagen continues for up to 12 months after the procedure.

That’s it for my September newsletter; I hope you found it informative and are now looking even more forward to the warm summer months!

Remember to check follow my Facebook page and do not hesitate to phone my rooms on (011) 616 4040 to book an appointment or find out more about the treatments and procedures I offer.